April 2017

Notes from the Principal......
Greetings, Tanner Families,

The busy Spring months have arrived!  These next two months will be filled with a number of exciting events that we have planned for our students including field trips, Timber Rattlers game, Spring Celebration with Tom & Stuart, Field Day and more!   Before you know it the end of the year will be here and the Summer months will be upon us.  Amongst all of the fun will be a continuation of our academic work.  We will work hard to help the students reach their grade level benchmarks before heading out for the Summer.  Content is starting to get much more tricky for the students, but their perseverance will see them through!  We talk a lot about 'Growth Mindset' with both students and staff.  When students make mistakes we continue to encourage them and remind them how much we all learn from our mistakes.  Please continue to encourage your child at home as well.  They certainly work hard and have fun each day at Tanner!

In closing, I want to thank you for your support with this year's fundraising efforts.  We have been very successful!  We will be able to have two well know musicians work with our students this month in preparation for our big Spring Celebration.  We may even complete our long awaited Playground Project this summer.  We will keep you posted on our progress.  This has been a great year...Let's Finish Strong!

Image result for growth mindset quote for parents

2017-18 School Year
Registration begins April 3, 2017
Register online through the YMCA of the Fox Cities program registration website.
Click on the YMCA link to view the full School Age Registration instructions: YMCA

The Kaukauna Area School District will be holding a free preschool screening at Tanner Early Learning Center on June 2nd, 5th, 6th and 7th for Kaukauna Area School District children. Information about the screening has already been mailed to most parents of children who will be four on or before September 1, 2017.   In addition, parents of three year olds are encouraged to schedule a screening if there are any questions or concerns about their child’s development. The screening results will be used to provide parents with information about their child’s current development and to provide suggestions for follow-up activities. Parents will also receive information about district and community services.   When there is reasonable cause to believe a child may have an impairment, the child will be referred for an evaluation.
The screening will last approximately one hour.  Please call 766-6150 (Tanner School) if you need
registration information.   You will be notified of your appointment date and time about two weeks prior to the screening.

The last day for the EC Blended Pre-School and 4K class is Thursday, June 1st.  The screening for those students who will be
4 years old on or before September 1st, 2017 will be held on  June 2nd, 5th, 6th and 7th.

If you know anyone who has children age 0 to 18 who are not currently enrolled in the Kaukauna Area School District but live within the district’s boundaries, please direct them to our website to fill out a Census Update form.  They can get a copy by visiting our website at www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us.  Click on ”Prospective Family & Staff” and then click “How to Enroll”.

Information and guidelines for Summer School 2017 has been posted on the District Summer School Website.
For information or questions—contact:
Erin Kape
Administrative Assistant
1701 County Road CE
Kaukauna, WI  54130
Phone:  920-766-6100  Ext.2002

As we near the end of the school year, please be sure to check at home for any books labeled for Tanner School.  There are a number of missing books from the classroom guided reading libraries.  Each book is $8.00 to be replaced. Fees will be accessed by the end of the school year.  

Please call the office promptly when you know your child will be late to school.  This will help us with the hot lunch count as it needs to be called into the central kitchen by 8:30 am for lunch that day.  When your student arrives late, please bring them into the office.  We will check the student “in” for attendance and give them a hall pass to take to their teacher.

We request that parents/guardians call the automated absence line at 759-6159 before 8:00 am each day your child is unable to attend school.  This voice mail service is available for your use before and after school hours.

If you are changing how your child will be getting home after school, you can send a note to the teacher or call the office with the information.  If it is a last minute decision, it is important that you let the office know that you will be taking your child.  Please do not take them out of the bus line.  We need to know that your child is safe with you so stop in the office to notify us!

News from Mrs. Sundelius, School Nurse

Children are more prone to dehydration than adults.  There are a couple of reasons for this: their body’s cooling system is not as mature/efficient, they can’t always tell that they are thirsty and they are often very busy and don’t take the time to stop and drink fluids.  Dehydration is especially prevalent during the warm summer months.  What can you do to help keep your child hydrated?  Encourage frequent water breaks.  Water is the best fluid for your child.  Soda, energy drinks, sports drinks and juice all have calories and other ingredients that your child does not need. 
On average the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a minimum of 5 ounces of fluid (water) every 20 minutes during hot weather.  Ideally this fluid will be consumed in the shade while taking a rest from activities. 
Fun ideas to encourage your child to drink water:

  •    Slice fruit or veggies and place them in water for a natural flavoring (make this a fun project for you and your child).
  •    Freeze fruit and use for ice cubes.
  • Get your child a fun water bottle to use and teach them how to fill it up.
  •  Freeze water bottles for ice cold water all day long.
  •  Praise your child when they finish the water they are given.  The praise can be a simple “good job” or a more elaborate reward system like a sticker chart.

·         As always… be a role model yourself.  Watching their parents and other adults is the primary way that children learn and their future eating/drinking patterns are engrained.  

Art News from Mrs. Siegel

First grade artists created a Chinese scroll to review the warm and cool colors. They chalked a background with one of these color families and then used black Sharpies to add a poppy tree branch and some Chinese writing by using lines. Finally, students stamped with one finger by mixing magenta and white to form cherry blossoms to learn that white paint makes a color lighter.

Art News from Mrs. Sheth

We have two different projects going on in Kindergarten! Half the students are working on paper sculptures and the other half are working on self-portraits. The paper sculptures are focusing are the differences of shapes and forms. We have compared circle, squares, and triangles to spheres, cubes, and cones! Now we are taking skills we practiced with paper cutting and forming to create paper sculptures! Students working on self-portraits did a drawing of themselves and then after discussion about realistic and unique features of themselves they re-drew themselves! They were very proud of the improved differences! Students will soon be making a final piece that will include concepts of the element color. Students will begin the opposite project when they complete the first one.

Tanner Library Media Center News
From Miss Brown
Thank you to all families who donated to our Makerspace! The Makerspace is up and running! It is a hit!

Library Skills:
1st grade students during Library Skills at Dr. H. B. Tanner Early Learning Center  learned about parts of a book, how the Everybody section of the library is organized, and alphabetical order during the month of March.  They then created a spine for a made-up book, a spine label, and a call number! The book created included a title of a story they would like to write, an eye-catching cover illustration, and their name and call number since they are the fictorial authors! Finally, they sorted the call number alphabetically, just like the Everybody Book section in the library!

In April students will be working on a recycling research project to go along with the MAPE-L integrated unit for Earth Day!

Music notes from Mrs. Stangel

Our Kindergartners and 1st graders continue to sing, move, and play instruments with music. Both grades have also been working on transferring what we hear and play into written symbols – ta, ti-ti and rest for Kindergartners, and quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and rests for 1st grade. We practiced writing and reading rhythms using a write the room activity. We find rhythms that are posted all over the music room and copy them onto answer keys. Then we practice saying and playing those rhythms.  We used rhythmic patterns (ostinato) to play along with an Irish song for St. Patrick’s Day.

Our composer of the month in 1st grade was Antonio Vivaldi. Vivaldi was born in Venice, Italy. He was an ordained priest, and a very talented violinist. He composed concertos, sacred works and operas. We listened to “Spring” from one of his most well-known compositions titled “The Four Seasons.” We are ready for some spring weather!

Literacy News
Mrs. Hamilton, Reading Specialist

Parents often ask, “How can I help my child be a successful reader?” or “What part of reading can I help with most at home?” An answer that is strongly supported by decades of research is Reading Volume. Getting ‘good’ at any cognitive-motor processes such as golfing, playing the piano, performing surgery, and reading is a result of practice. Proficient reading is built on numerous reading experiences. Reading volume can be directly linked with both advancing a student’s reading skills and with that, the child’s future academic success and self-confidence.

Pam Allyn speaks in just 2 minutes about the importance of reading volume related to the expectations of the Common Core State Standards.
Mem Fox speaks in under 2 minutes about the importance of reading aloud to children everyday.

Please join us in making reading a priority in your home that happens EVERY DAY! Your children will ‘Thank You’ someday.


We will kick off our April character trait of citizenship on April 9. For the month of April Tanner students will be learning and practicing the character trait of citizenship in multiple ways. The Kaukauna Police Department will be visiting with their K9 dog during the kick off assembly. We are also working on coordinating a peanut butter and jelly drive to benefit the Feeding America food bank. Watch your child’s folder for more information.
Mark your calendars; Tom Pease and Stuart Stotts will be at Tanner School for our residency program on April 10, 20 and 24th.  We will have a song celebration on May 11 at Kaukauna High School at 6 p.m.


The elementary staff will soon be starting the student placement process for the 2017-18 school year.  Our goal is to create heterogeneous classroom groups to accommodate the learning needs and styles of every student.  The staff at each school spends a great deal of time and effort to determine the proper homeroom placement of children for the coming year.  The following factors are considered when seeking to provide the best educational program for all students in any given classroom:
Provide a balance by gender, ability, leadership qualities and classroom size
·  Balancing by gender
·  Balancing by ability levels (below, on or above grade level)
·  Balancing specific strengths and needs, including special needs, giftedness or language issues
·  Maintaining optimal classroom size
Create a positive match for students with peers
Considerations are given for students who do not work well together, and also for students who may get along “too well,” interfering with learning.  Specific behavior needs (such as assertiveness, shyness,
attention span and behavior choices) are also considered.
Information from other school staff and from other school environments
Information from related arts (music, art, physical education, library media) staff, Pupil Services staff, and Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams are considered based on knowledge and observations of children in multiple environments.
Parent input
Information from parents is considered as the final step in the process.
We find that most parents are comfortable with the classroom placements made by staff.  However, we realize that parents can also provide specific information about their child that could be helpful in assisting the student placement process.  Parents may choose to provide written input into the
placement process via the PARENT INPUT FORM available in the school office.  To obtain the
in put form, you may stop in the office or request that a form be sent home with your child.
Please note that:
· Input forms must be returned to the school office no later than Monday, May 2, 2017.
· Forms returned after this date may not be considered.
· Completing a form is optional. The intent of this form is to provide additional child-specific information for the placement process, and not to specify a teacher preference. Requests that name a specific teacher will not be considered in the placement process.
· Verbal information or requests cannot be honored.
Please understand that while we attempt to honor parent requests where possible, we may not always be able to fulfill each request due to the multiple factors considered in the placement process.
The deadline for all input is May 2nd.  Please return the form to the school office.

On Saturday, May 6, 2017 Larry’s Piggly Wiggly stores in Kaukauna and Little Chute will sponsor the 19th annual Pig to Pig Community Walk, a fun and family-oriented event to benefit Make-A-Wish®  Wisconsin.  Join a colorful cast of characters for this fun walk where you will enjoy food, refreshments, prizes and a free t-shirt all while helping to make wishes come true for local children battling life-threatening medical conditions!
You may sign up at the service counter at either of these Larry’s Piggly Wiggly store locations or call Jane at (920) 766-6080 for more information. Kaukauna – 300 E. Ann St., Kaukauna, WI 54130
Little Chute  - 1901 E. Main St.,
Little Chute, WI 54140
or call Jane at (920) 766-6080 for more

Thursday, April 27th marks the annual event to provide the opportunity for children to accompany their parents to work and learn about future career options.  In an attempt to maintain the integrity of the day, the district has established procedures which include advance notice of the absence, completion of a verification form by the employer, and for students in Grade 4-12 the completion of responses related to the experience. (Younger students, 4K-gr. 3, are typically not looking into career options yet, therefore we anticipate in most cases they would be at school.)  Forms can be picked up in the office if you are interested. Note: All students participating will need a signed form from the employer the following day in order for the absence to be excused.

The National Weather Service is again sponsoring “Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week” the week of April 17-21.  During this week, we will participate in a tornado drill.  All students and staff will go to their designated areas in the building.  It is important to note that most tornadoes occur after school hours and during the summer.  Please review safety precautions at home.

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